Fun Facts about Odense

Photo: VisitOdense

Did you know that Odense has more than 540 km. bike path? No? We did'nt think so. And how about the number of playgrounds and the date on the city's birth certificate?

  • Out of the 195 officially recognised countries in the world; 164 different nationalities have chosen to make Odense their home.
  • Odense offers over 250 playgrounds, which means per every 804 inhabitants, there is at least 1 playground. (204,000 population pr. 01/10/18)
  • On average every 12th inhabitant of Odense is a University student.
  • Odin was the king of gods and Odense (Odin’s vi) means Odin’s sanctuary/shrine.
  • Cycling in Odense provides riders with 560 kilometres of bicycle paths, 123 cycle-only bridges and 65 cyclist tunnels.
  • The last king to be considered a Viking-king was slain in Odense, his remains are on display in a crypt at the cathedral.
  • Despite Denmark’s surrender during world war II, shots were exchanged in the central square by activists and a bullet hole is still visible in the coat of arms above the main entrance to city hall.
  • Previously the garbage of Odense was dumped on Stige Ø. This island has been reclaimed and is currently a beautiful nature-filled island for camping, fauna & bird watching or BBQ’s. The biodiversity of the island is in full return and it is hard to imagine what it once was.
  • Funen is affectionately known as Denmark’s garden due to the very fertile soil and large proportion of agriculture all over the island.