How to buy a ticket for the Hans Christian Andersen House

Photo: Daniel Jensen

Explore the life and times of Hans Christian Andersen at Odense's museums and attractions.  The local museums are very diverse and each show a different facet of Hans Christian Andersen.

Photo: Daniel Jensen
© VisitOdensePhoto: Daniel Jensen

It is necessary to book a ticket for H.C. Andersen's House BEFORE the visit. You can buy the ticket and see available times at 

The ticket gives free admission to Hans Christian Andersen's Childhood Home on the day of your visit - and you can get a 50% discount on the ticket to the Carl Nielsen Museum, Funen Village and the city museum TID for 30 days from the day of your visit.

For more information on Hans Christian Andersen and his life, please visit Hans Christian Andersen's Hometown

Inspiration and tips for your stay in Odense

The old quarter with lights and snow

Top attractions

Odense has lots of attractions for all and especially Hans Christian Andersen, Denmark's history, art and culture are themes where we have much to offer.

Outdoor lunch at Grønttorvet
Gastro ikon


Delicious new restaurants pop up everywhere and the locals dine out like never before - the range and level of offers is impressive.

Viking med arme over kors

Vikings in Odense

Balloons in the air


It is always nice to visit Odense, but especially when the city is full of happy people who enjoy the atmosphere for one of our major events.