Odense Havnebad
fisketrappen i Munkemose

Activities near the water

Photo:Kasper-Emil Tornfeldt&Anja Panduro

Ever since the Viking Age, Odense's location by Odense Fjord and Odense River has been of great importance to the city's development. In recent years, a major urban renewal has taken place around Odense Inner Harbour, where new, modern apartment complexes, businesses, recreational areas and not least the Odense Harbour Bath (public outdoor swimming pool) have sprung up and provide life around the clock. The latter harbour bath is also on VOGUE America's list of one of the world's most beautiful places to winter bathe.

Activities near the water

At all times of the year, there are many opportunities for great experiences at the harbour and especially in the summer months, the quays and harbour basin are bustling with life with everything from GoBoats to paddle boards, private ships and cosy restaurants and cafés.

In addition to the inner harbour, Odense River and the surrounding parks also offer many activities throughout the year for both young and old, including pedal boats and Odense Åfart, Stige Ø has blossomed and the city's many public swimming pools offer plenty of opportunities for a refreshing dip when the summer heat calls for it.

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