
Photo: Johan Joensen

There are large works by well-known artists such as Robert Jakobsen and Bjørn Nørgård, but lesser-known artists have also left their mark on the city. There is also a large number of fairytale-themed sculptures in recognition of probably the best-known Odensean - Hans Christian Andersen.

Oceania, Sculpture
Photo: Johan Joensen

Oceania, Sculpture

Bronze sculpture of the sea goddess Oceania. A gift from The Odense City Art Foundation and Asea Brown Boveri A/S in 1992 and probably the most talked about work of art in Odense, next to Bjørn Nørgaa...

Old Cavehand - Troll from recycled wood
Photo: Anja Panduro

Old Cavehand - Troll from recycled wood

Go on a troll hunt in Odense - The artist Thomas Dambo, who grew up in Odense, has created one of his iconic trolls in recycled materials right here in Odense.

Canute the Holy
Photo: Anja Panduro

Canute the Holy

King Canute was very a important figure in Odense's history during his reign from 1080 to 1086. Aelnoths Saga written in Odense around 1120 tells the story of the king who was killed by rebellious pea...

Flakhaven - Sculpture
Photo: VisitOdense

Flakhaven - Sculpture

The artist, Robert Jacobsen (1912-1993), was a self-taught sculptor and printmaker. He is represented with sculptures in museums and public places all over the world and is one of Denmark's best known...

Danaë - bronze sculpture
Photo: Claes Bech Poulsen

Danaë - bronze sculpture

In 1928, the New Carlsberg Foundation donated to Odense Municipality a metallic cement reproduction of sculptor Gerhard Henning's sculpture 'Danaë', which was placed in Munke Mose. The figure was tran...

Water Spiral Sculpture
Photo: Johan Joensen

Water Spiral Sculpture

Odense Bys Kunstfond announced a competition to decorate Sortebrødre Torv and invited eight artists to participate. The winner was Niels Guttormsen's "Water Spiral Sculpture", which the Albani Foundat...

NineNow, sound sculpture
Photo: Steffen Palmø

NineNow, sound sculpture

The sculpture consists of 9 units of 80 cm in diameter - 20 cm in height that look like halfburied metal balls. The sculpture is a sound installation. In nine different languages and every second, the...

Young Cuckoo - sculpture
Photo: Joan Jensen

Young Cuckoo - sculpture

The sculpture depicts a cuckoo chick being fed on by a bird the same size as itself. Cuckoos lay their eggs in other birds' nests and when the cuckoo hatches, it throws the other birds out of the nest...

Balance Arc - sculpture
Photo: Anja Panduro

Balance Arc - sculpture

The Balance Arc - large sculpture in two parts

The sculpture itself is a gateway to a new world. It consists of two large Chinese granite columns with two women at the top.
The women are frozen in a b...

The Lover's Twist - Sculpture
Photo: Joan Jensen

The Lover's Twist - Sculpture

The Lover's Twist depicts a man and a woman in a passionate embrace.  The energetic sculpture was made in bronze by the coastal artist Johannes Bjerg and was described in 1922 as "one of the best thin...

Power, Justice and Wisdom
Photo: VisitOdense

Power, Justice and Wisdom

The Odense sculptor Aksel Hansen's "Power, Justice and Wisdom" reigns over the entrance to Odense City Hall, which was inaugurated on 4 May 1883. The figures symbolize the division of power in the exe...

Hermes (Merchant God)
Photo: VisitOdense

Hermes (Merchant God)

The work is by Professor Mogens Møller. His starting point was the street and its history. A piece of Viking jewellery found in Kongensgade was enlarged and placed on the sphinx, the guardian of the s...

Echo - bronze sculpture
Photo: Ukendt

Echo - bronze sculpture

In Greek mythology, the mountain nymph Echo was known as the personification of the echo. According to Ovid, she was punished by Hera for delaying her with her chatter while Zeus was having an affair ...

Stoneware Lion on Odense City Hall
Photo: Johan Joensen

Stoneware Lion on Odense City Hall

The old town hall was guarded by lions, who stood at the main guard post in the town hall, while military guards walked on Flakhaven. In the early 1950s, the lions were moved to the barracks on Sdr. B...

Rosenbæk Karréen, decoration
Photo: Joan Jensen

Rosenbæk Karréen, decoration

The sculpture consists of 5 bronze heads representing Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Thycho Brahe, Socrates and Darwin.

On your way through the Rosenbaek passage from Brandts, you will be given four...

Detail from 'Roepigerne'
Photo: Joan Jensen

Detail from 'Roepigerne'

The bust is a replica of a detail from Eickhoff's sculpture The Beetworkers, which was erected in 1940 on the square in Sakskøbing as a monument to the farm workers who worked in the beet fields. You ...

The Capricorn and the Bulls head
Photo: VisitOdense

The Capricorn and the Bulls head

Capricorn and bull's head in granite (1986 - 1988).

The granite sculptures are part of a larger decoration that also includes four benches made of granite and the paving, thus turning the small side ...

Standing girl
Photo: Joan Jensen

Standing girl

"They say my girls have too thick legs. That may be, but I like it like that. They hold them up so well."

That's what Gerhard Henning said when someone criticised his female sculptures for not living...
